2023 P2P Gift Guide

The Best gifts for 0-6 month olds

Loveevery Playkits

We love the Loveevery play kits! Their toys are developmentally appropriate, intentionally designed and delivered every 3 months. You know every toy in the paykits are designed with development in mind and you don’t need many other toys aside from these play kits. They are an easy way to choose good toys while making sure you don’t have too many. They also make the perfect gift!

Baby Gym

A play gym is one of my must haves for an infant. I love this one because it is simple, made of wood and does not have any bells & whistles. Bonus! It turns into a tent which a perfect spot for a regulating cozy corner as your little one gets older. 

Bear Teethers

We have many of these teethers at Play 2 Progress and all babies seem to LOVE them so of course, they had to be on the list. They are the perfect texture and easy to grasp. 

Baby Paper

Another favorite around Play 2 Progress and a toy that consistently makes into any of our gift guides. Babies love the noise this makes and it is the perfect toy for tummy time. 

Lalo Tummy Time Mat

Another must have for baby. A mat for them to practice their tummy time! I love that this one is machine washable. 

The Little Girl Who Lost Her Name

This is my personal, go to, gift to buy for any newborn baby. It is a keepsake and extremely special. You can customize the book and the quality is high. It is a very special gift that will be on the bookshelf forever. 


This may be one of the most popular baby toys and there is a reason for that! It is simple but can be used in so many different ways and babies love it! 

Black and White Book

Black and white books are great as baby is developing their vision. There are many out there and this is just one that we love!

Lalo Tummy Time Mirror

Our goal with Tummy Time? Move through developmental stages and strengthen the back muscles. A mirror is a great way to promote this! If you can’t tell, I love Lalo and one of the reasons is that many of their products can be used in different ways. This mirror included with the black and white cards on the inside. 

Ball Teether

Another favorite brand, Mushie. This is another great teether for our babies to safely explore with their mouth. 

Shake n Clap Rattle

Instruments are one of my favorite toys. This is a musical rattle for our youngest little musicians. One thing to notice, your baby will make the music by shaking the rattle, not pushing a button. This is key! Remember, we try to stay away from toys that require batteries as much as possible.